Monday, June 7, 2010

Dans le Jardin: Jessie and the bean stalks

Look at them go! We planted a trio of Blue Lake, Cherokee Wax, and Purple Queen beans. They are the bush variety, so unfortunately I won't be climbing any magical stalks.
Our veggie garden was inspired by Cameron and her husband. They told us about gardening in hay bales and we were willing to give it a try....especially since our New Mexico dirt is less than spectacular. It is easy, relatively cheap and rewarding. To find out to make your own straw bale garden click here. We have a few varieties of tomatoes pictures above....I just need Liz to come to NM and make me some snazzy trellises!
I even put in a drip system this weekend, which is a savior when there are so many seedlings to tend to, like these Japanese eggplant and yellow squash.
Photo, Charlotte Larragoite
Our bird feeder is filled with a Songbird mix and has even attracted warblers like the Black Headed Grosbeak to the neighborhood. Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!
-Jessie, Santa Fe, NM


  1. Oh Jessie, how your garden grows!

    What an inspiration. I really like the hay bale idea...I'm trying to figure out a way to get some in our back hands maybe?

  2. Love the hay bale idea. It's so artsy and resourceful, and different - and you won't have to bend over very much! ;) Happy gardening, you're going to just take off, it's so much fun!!!

  3. so exciting. i recently discovered the article on the "hay bale garden" in fine gardening magazine.
    and nice shot of that grosbeak!
