Monday, May 31, 2010

CRAFTERNOON: Oil Cloth Cushions

As the days grow longer and the weather turns warm, we are spending more time out in the garden. We have a lovely set of chairs and a table surrounded by our lilac bushes and apricot trees (which are full of baby green apricots!) Lately, I've been looking for way to gussy up my patio furniture. I decided to make a few seat cushions out of oil cloth because it would provide a colorful and weatherproof comfort. Oil cloth is readily available here in Santa Fe and I settled on a cheerful pink and yellow chinz pattern.
I couldn't have completed this project without the help of my 1960's Singer Touch and Sew. It was my mother's, and believe it or not, this puppy is still trucking! It is like an old jalopy that has it's particular buzzes and whirs and I feel like I know those sounds so well. It is, without a doubt, the most fabulous vintage fixture in my studio.
Dining in the garden is now complete! Cheers to more lazy summer afternoons!
-Jessie, Santa Fe, NM


  1. a project truly well-done. far more durable and beautiful than any other cushions i've seen or purchased. plus, mine are always fading or staining.
    these would be one of those etsy items that would be impossible to keep in stock i bet!
    go 60s singer, go.

  2. And you even know how to sew! You are a super-artist! I wonder what else you have in your arsenal that we don't know about.... These are fantastic. Yes, I agree with Cameron...these could be a hot commodity...

  3. And you even know how to sew! You are a super-artist! I wonder what else you have in your arsenal that we don't know about. These are truly fantastic. I agree with Cameron, these would be quite the commodity....
